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Mathias Jonas

Mathias Jonas

Organization: Secretary-General / Secrétaire-Général, International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)

Keynote title: Hydrography’s changing seascape - MASS, USV and Artificial Intelligence


The keynote will provide a summary of the IMO´s state of discussion how Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) will likely to operate in mid-terms, if and how USVs as popular carriers for hydrographic equipment will fit into the MASS categorization, and what can be expected for future AI applications in utilizing autonomous hydrographic surveys.

About the speaker:

Dr Mathias Jonas is the elected Secretary-General of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) since 2017. Prior to this appointment he held the posts of Vice President of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency and National Hydrog-rapher of Germany with responsibility for sea survey and sea cartography. Being originally a mariner, Dr Jonas has been involved in integrated navigation matters since the beginning of the nineties. He has continuously contributed to IMO and IHO standardisation activities for navigation equipment, survey and cartography since. As one of the responsibilities of his current post he holds the Chair of the Hydro-graphic Commission on Antarctica. He is the author of numerous publications on technical aspects of ECDIS, marine geoinformation systems and strategic considerations on the present status and future of hydrography.