Ateliers (en anglais seulement)
Morning Workshops
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 1
Title: Seafloor Information System
Description: Kongsberg Discovery will review the latest features implemented in Seafloor Information System 5.12.2 with a preview of SIS 5.14, which promises exciting new functionalities like automated compression, streamlined Sound Speed Manager integration, enhancing display backgrounds and survey planning capabilities. The SIS Remote demonstration will showcase its configuration and usage, highlighting how it enables remote operation of the EM system from anywhere, requiring only a license and network configuration. This feature supports a dispersed workforce and minimal training, as remote operators use the same interface as on the vessel. These advancements demonstrate Kongsberg Discovery's commitment to innovation and support for the hydrographic community's evolving needs.
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 2
Title: Real-time Confidence: QPS presents high quality surveys for Ports and Pilots
Description: Join QPS in exploring rapid survey acquisition and processing geared toward ports and harbors. Whether it is survey or dredging operations monitor every detail real-time during acquisition with Qinsy and know you are collecting high quality data through QA/QC displays and alerts. Data is filtered and added to our bathymetric/LiDAR processing suite, Qimera, after each survey line is completed. Qimera’s intuitive workflow allows you to provide additional QA/QC and quickly get deliverables out the door. Interested in Backscatter? QPS’s FM Geocoder Toolbox can quickly be used to process your Snippet Time Series data for analysis. If you want to see the big picture we will explore bringing multiple data types into QPS’s Fledermaus 4D Visualization and Analysis suite to tell the story of your port or harbor. We will wrap up by showing how your bathy data can quickly be pushed to ENCs which can be viewed instantly in QPS’s piloting software, Qastor. This provides full situational awareness through an adaptive environment for pilots allowing them to know what water depth is available to them based on daily bathy data, vessel draft and real time tides as well.
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 3
Title: CARIS & 7Cs: S-100 - The journey so far
Description: Come and join us to get the latest updates on S-100 support in CARIS & 7Cs solutions. This S-100 themed workshop includes presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on transitioning to a S-100 production environment. The session will also include an overview of the latest updates on HIPS and SIPS and CARIS Onboard.
Afternoon Workshops
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 13:30 to 16:30
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 1
Title: Education and Training Standards of Competence
Description: FIG/IHO/ICA International Board on the Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) are preparing new editions of the IHO S-5 and S-8 Standards of Competence. As there are numerous challenges around the hydrographic and cartographic disciplines in relation to education, programmes and courses etc., the IBSC are hosting an open style workshop to discuss the challenges around a sustainable and credible pathway for new entrants into the profession and career advancement for current professionals. The IBSC seeks to ensure that training and education standards and programmes are relevant to the needs of the profession and consistent with technical demands of the marketplace. This workshop will provide input to the process of developing new editions of the standards.
The workshop will have 3 main focuses in which participants from the public sector, academia, and industry are all invited to provide input:
- What should the new S-5 standards reflect
- Where the S-8 standards should evolve,
- Hydrographic Certification – what, why, how
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 13:30 to 16:30
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 2
Title: High-resolution surveys using ultra-compact and portable multibeam echosounders.
Description: Join NORBIT to learn best practices and update skills to conduct accurate and efficient multibeam surveys. The workshop includes theory and equipment operation sessions, and demonstrations of the latest portable, high-resolution and motion stabilized sonars for seabed and infrastructure mapping. Rapid mobilization, collection and turnaround of data will be showcased.
Monday, May 27, 2024, from 13:30 to 16:30
St. John's Convention Centre, Room Bannerman 3
Title: SDB Day 24 - Satellite-based coastal mapping and monitoring
Description: This workshop focusses on physics-based satellite analysis for coastal/shallow water mapping and monitoring applications. We introduce multispectral sensors and the technology workflow, followed by a SDB-Online data processing demonstration within the Canadian coastal zone. You will also learn about the European Commission's global coastal bathymetry project. - Join and discuss on this “SDB-Day”!